Saturday, 13 February 2010

Group Policy Preferences, Options Considerations

Group Policy Preferences (GPPs) first came out with the Windows Server 2008 Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) introducing an array of configurable items not available in earlier native policy objects. Microsoft calls these “preferences” or “unmanaged settings” because after the preference has been applied, the end-user can change it back again.

In my opinion, however, these aren’t the best terms to apply here. The next time the Group Policy Objects (GPOs) update again, perhaps the default of 90 minutes or the next time the user logs on, or the computer reboots, the preferences get applied once more. When I first heard about GPP, I thought this was a perfect way to set all those things we used to modify in the Default User profile, for example, the Internet Explorer Home Page. We would set that to the corporate intranet in the Default Profile, new users would get that setting, but afterwards they could change their Home Page as desired and it would remain there.

One of our specialties is making applications (perhaps historically misbehaved applications) work well with Terminal Services and Citrix. We often used the Default Profile method of setting minimum registry entries required by an application (if Terminal Services “install mode” didn’t quite work), but that must be customisable by the end-user through the front-end Graphical User Interface (GUI). Managing the Default Profile, however, can be messy, and Microsoft doesn’t really like that practice anymore. In fact, you can’t even overwrite the Default Profile in Windows 7 anymore without going through a bit of a procedure. At least one Microsoft employee has posted on a TechNet forum that overwriting has not been supported by Microsoft since Windows XP/2003. It’s not hard to manually add registry entries to the Default Profile, but I thought these  new GPPs would save us from all that.

But if GPPs get reapplied at GPO update time, how can we re-create this requirement of “suggesting” settings, but allowing the user to permanently change them? Microsoft has an answer to this: the Apply once and do not reapply setting of a GPP, available in the Common tab. This works fine and does exactly that. There are management problems, however, and some unexpected behaviour when using this feature. It’s still a step in the right direction, and it is better than modifying Default Profiles, but you need to be aware of these “glitches” to keep on top of settings defined this way.

This article will delve into this Apply once and do not reapply feature, demonstrate its shortcomings, and provide some suggestions in overcoming them. It will also explore the Remove this item when it is no longer applied feature and discuss its particular dangers.

GPP Review
No software or services need to be run at the back-end nor does your Active Directory (AD) domain need to be running any Windows 2008 Domain Controllers in order to implement Group Policy Preferences (GPP). You must, however, deploy the GPP client-side extension (CSE) to any client computer to which you want to deploy preferences. The CSE is available as an optional update in Windows Update, or it can be downloaded from the Microsoft web site and installed manually. There are versions for the following operating systems:
·         Windows XP with SP2 or later
·         Windows Vista
·         Windows Server 2003 with SP1 or later

Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 already include the CSE. You must also install the Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) on the workstation from which you will be managing the GPPs, or use the Group Policy Management Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in on a Windows Server 2008 server.

In the Group Policy Management Editor, the Preferences section looks very much like the ScriptLogic Desktop Authority software, a fairly common third-party solution used to fill this historical void in Group Policy.
The action of creating a new entry under any of these Windows or Control Panel Settings will launch an entry GUI that differs depending upon the type of entry. For example, adding a new mapped drive will look like this:
We’re going to be using a custom registry entry as an example later in this document, so let’s take a look at its GUI:

Let’s create something to work with.
a.       First I installed the Microsoft RSAT onto my Windows 7 workstation.

b.      On my Windows 2003 AD domain I created a “TestGPP” user account in the “Users” Organisational Unit (OU) and also created a “TestGPPgroup” security group for later use. The user is not a member of this group at this time.

c.       I created a “TestGPP” GPO and linked it to my “Users” OU.

d.      I then removed the “Authenticated Users” group from the GPO’s Access Control List (ACL) and added only my test user account, “TestGPP” to the ACL with Read and Apply rights so that I wouldn’t accidently mess anyone up except my test user.

e.       I then edited the new GPO and added a new Registry item preference. In this example, I’m going to set the user’s Desktop background colour to be red. I expanded User Configuration, Preferences, Windows Settings, and selected Registry. then I right-clicked and added a new item, getting the screen similar to that shown above.

f.       The hive and path are “HKCU\Control Panel\Colors”, the value name is “Background”, the value type is “REG_SZ”, and the value data is “255 0 0” (red).

g.      My AD site here only has one Domain Controller (DC),  so I did not need to synchronise my domain in order to begin testing.

Remember where GPO values are stored?
h.      In the Group Policy Management window, highlight the GPO in question and select the Details tab. Note its Unique ID.
i.       In Windows Explorer, navigate to “\\DomainName.Name\SYSVOL\DomainName.Name\Policies”. (Replace “DomainName.Name” in the path with your own fully qualified AD domain name.) Then navigate to the folder with the same name as the Unique ID as noted above.

j.      Under that folder, navigate to either the “Machine” (for Computer Configuration) or “User” (as in the example above, for User Configuration) folders, and then to the “Preferences” sub-folder. This folder may be empty until some preferences are defined. Mine has a folder called “Registry”, which has a “registry.xml” file in it.

k.       When I edit that file with a text editor such as Notepad, I see contents similar to this (I have added hard returns for readability):

changed="2010-02-10 14:13:09"
key="Control Panel\Colors" name="Background"
value="255 0 0"/>

l.      If I were to add more GPP types other than Registry, I would see other folders under that GPO folder such as “Drives”, “Files”, “Environment Variables”, etc., each with their own “*.xml” file.

m.   When I log onto my computer as user “TestGPP”, my Desktop background has been successfully set to red.

Results of GPP Options
With the standard actions and options of the GPP defined above, the test user can change their background colour to something else, but the next time they log in, it will be red again. There are certain other types of GPPs that will be reset back to the value defined every time Group Policy refreshes, which is every 90 minutes by default (a background colour change requires a re-logon to take effect regardless of when the value changes).

What happens when the GPP is disabled or removed? I’ll create this scenario by disabling the specific preference, as shown below. We don’t have to disable the entire GPO.
With the default settings, and assuming that the user has not changed their background colour, it will remain red until they change it. I logged back on with my test account and it was indeed red. I changed it to brown, logged off and on again, and it remained brown.

Remove this item when it is no longer applied
If we look at the properties of the GPP, we will see that the default Action in the General tab is to “Update”. The difference between “Update” and “Replace” is that first “replace” will remove all values before re-creating them. If we go to the Common tab and select the Remove this item when it is no longer applied option, we’ll get a warning that it will also set the Action to “Replace”.
I enabled the GPP again, set the options as discussed, and logged on as the test user to ensure that it was taking effect again. Then I disabled the GPP and logged back on as the test user. The background colour was now black, or 0 0 0, the colour set in the Default Profile of this computer. Also, if I manually look at the registry key, “HKCU\Control Panel\Colors”, there is no “Background” value (there was in all previous sessions). There won’t be until I set the colour to something else. This proves that the “Replace” Action does what it’s supposed to do. The GPP CSE runs and analyses GPPs even if they are disabled. This behaviour would also occur if the entire GPO was disabled or filtered from being applied to that user.

This is important to remember. Consider the following scenario.
a.       A user has set some preferences within an application, perhaps required to make it function at all (maybe setting up an ODBC DSN, for example), that results in some registry changes in their profile.

b.      IT decides to control this centrally by creating those preferences in a Registry GPP, and selects the Remove this item... option described above.

c.       Time passes and for some reason IT decides to remove or disable the GPP, or maybe the computer has lost communication with the DC and GPOs do not run.

d.      The end user not only loses those controlled settings, but they also lose the settings they had originally manually set, and receive generic settings from that computer’s Default Profile. In a bad case, this could even break the application and result in a call to the Help Desk.

There are exceptions. Not all GPP types can have this option set.

·         I could not create an Applications GPP to test. I don’t have any application preference plug-ins installed. Note from the Microsoft TechNet library:
Group Policy includes the Applications preference extension. For users, this extension allows you to configure settings for a specific version of an application for which you have installed a preference plug-in. The available settings vary with the application and version.

Software developers can create plug-ins for other applications using the Group Policy Software Development Kit (

·         For the Devices type, the Remove this item... option is only available if the Action is set to “Disable”.

·         When selecting the Remove this item... option for the Local Users and Groups type, you get two options: it will set the Action to “Replace” in order to completely remove the group, or to “Update” to simply remove a member. Keep this in mind if the GPP is to add a member to a built-in group such as “Administrators”. Would the GPP be able to remove that group if the Action is set to “Replace” and the GPP falls out of scope? I was unwilling to test this on my computer.

·         With the Power Options GPP type, you get a warning saying that you cannot select the Remove this item... option if you try to, however, if you click OK it does seem to take effect.

The bottom line is to use this Remove this item when it is no longer applied option with care. Understand the ramifications of removal if the user or computer loses access to the GPP.

Item-level targeting
This option is mentioned here before the next one merely to remind us of its capabilities, since it will feature in the upcoming example scenario. There are no hidden surprises in this feature, so I won’t be expanding upon it. Basically, you can filter if the individual GPP gets applied depending on a range of criteria, including items such as AD site, IP subnet, user group membership, OU, and many others. (It would be best practice to write a plain English summary of the criteria in the Description field of the GPP.)
This targeting is on top of the targeting that is being applied at the entire GPO level, such as with OU links or ACLs.

Apply Once and do not reapply, Issue One
As its name implies, this feature will only apply one time to a computer if it’s a Computer Configuration, or one time to a user’s profile if it’s a User Configuration. How does the computer then know not to apply this GPP anymore? This option comes with its own special bag of tricks. Let’s proceed with setting it and see what happens.

a.       I modified the existing “TestGPP” GPO I created in the “GPP Review” section above, the one that sets the user’s Desktop background to red (255 0 0). I set the Action back to “Update” and cleared the Remove this item when it is no longer applied option.

b.      I then selected the Apply Once and do not reapply option.

c.       After the user logged on one time and received this GPP again, a new registry value got created in the user’s profile, under HKCU. Note the value created for my test user:

key: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Group Policy\Client\RunOnce
value name: {11950636-4A63-46A1-9A52-3854F61C6149}
value data: empty

If this was a Computer Configuration as opposed to a User Configuration, the registry value would be under HKLM. For the duration of this article, I will refer to this registry value as the registry “flag”. This is a flag that tells the GPP CSE not to process that GPP again.

d.      Note an additional entry in the “registry.xml” file of that GPP, located in the domain’s SYSVOL folder, under the GPO’s GUID folder (discussed in detail in the “GPP Review” section above):

Notice the matching numbers. Next time when the user logs on, the GPP CSE will still process that GPP. However, it will not apply values of the GPP because the ID number in the user’s profile (the flag) matches the “RunOnce” ID in the “registry.xml” file.

The usual GPO or scripting behaviour applies when modifying settings and this Apply Once and do not reapply option is selected. If it is a Computer Configuration GPP, the GPP will run once for each computer the first time it receives this GPO. If it is a User Configuration GPP, it will run once for that user’s profile the first time they receive the GPO. This is not to say that it will run once per user. It depends on the profile scenario in place. If Roaming or Terminal Services profiles are in place, then it will run once for that user, but if local profiles only are used, it will run once per user per computer (or per profile).

All right, let’s get fancy. Let’s apply Item-level targeting to this GPP and let it apply only to members of the “TestGPPgroup” user group. Note that our “TestGPP” user is not yet a member of this group.

a.       First, let’s set the user back to as if this GPP had never run. We will do this manually for now. I logged on as the test user, changed the background colour to brown again, ran “regedit.exe” and removed the flag “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Group Policy\Client\RunOnce\{11950636-4A63-46A1-9A52-3854F61C6149}”, and then logged off.

b.      Then I modified the existing registry GPP in the “TestGPP” GPO. In the Common tab, selected Item-level targeting and clicked the Targeting button to add criteria.

c.       I added a Security Group criteria where the user must be a member of the “TestGPPgroup” group, and then closed the GPO Editor.

d.       I logged back on as the test user and, as expected, my background was still brown. The GPP had not changed it to red. But wait! The test user received that registry flag once again with the ID of the GPP not to process.

e.      I then decided that I wanted the “TestGPP” user to be a member of the “TestGPPgroup” group so that he has to have a red background on his Desktop. I added that user to the group.

f.       I logged on as the test user and still saw a brown background. The GPP did not apply, even though I was now a member of the criteria group.

This behaviour is important to remember. The fact that the user had that registry flag of the ID of the GPP not to apply took precedence over the group membership of that user matching targeting criteria. This makes sense. The next time the user logs on, or Group Policy updates, the user will probably still be a member of that group, yet if it was a valid “apply once” the first time, we would not want it to run again. (What would seem to make more sense is if the GPP CSE didn’t add the registry flag if the contents of the GPP did not, in fact, get applied in the first place.)

You cannot pre-configure a GPP, set it to Apply once..., and set targeting criteria where all future intended recipients do not currently match that criteria.

Issue One Work-Around
There is a work-around if you need to reapply the GPP to intended users, if it is possible to reapply it to all users that match any targeting criteria or who are within scope of the GPO filtering. Reset the Apply Once and do not reapply option. Un-check it from the GPP and click Apply, then check it again and click Apply. This will generate a new “RunOnce” ID for the GPP, as can be seen in the updated “registry.xml” file.

If it’s not possible to run the GPP again for all users, it gets a bit messier. You would either need to manually remove the existing ID from the user’s “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Group Policy\Client\RunOnce” registry flag or in fact create an “Apply once” GPP to do this, targeting a new specific group called “RemoveTestGPP”, or similar.

Apply Once and do not reapply, Issue Two
You can copy and paste GPPs from the context menu.

a.       I simplified our existing registry GPP in the “TestGPP” GPO. I removed Item-level targeting.

b.      I then right-clicked on it and selected Copy, and pasted it in the same area. I modified the registry value, namely “Active Title” to red, 255 0 0.

c.       Look at the “registry.xml” file now. I have removed the irrelevant bits for this point.


Note that the “RunOnce” IDs are the same for both values.

This means that though this is a brand new value to modify, because the “RunOnce” IDs are the same and because the user has that ID in their registry flag from our exercise above, this new value will never be applied to that user.

Issue Two Work-Around
Similar to the work-around for Issue 1, reset the Apply Once and do not reapply option. Un-check it from the GPP and click Apply, then check it again and click Apply. This will give the new GPP a new “RunOnce” ID, as can be seen in the updated “registry.xml” file.

Apply Once and do not reapply, Alternatives
Repeating my hopes in the introduction, I was really glad to hear about this Apply once... feature of GPPs. I thought that finally there was a way we could “suggest” settings to new users, but allow them to change it later on, for good. This, I thought, was a good alternative to modifying Default Profiles.

Doubtless there are situations where this feature will work perfectly, but if we want to avoid having to worry about resetting “RunOnce” registry flags, we will have to go back to the tried and true methods.

Microsoft doesn’t want us overwriting Default Profiles (although, there are ways to do it), but we can still modify it. A recap on how to do this:

a.       On the computer with the Default Profile to modify, make sure we can see hidden and system files, as well as their file extensions. Modify Folder Options accordingly.

b.       Run “regedit.exe” and select “HKEY_USERS” in the left pane.

c.       Click File, Load Hive, and browse to “c:\users\default” and double-click on the “ntuser.dat” file. (This is for Windows Vista/7/2008. For Windows 2000/XP/2003, the default folder will be “c:\Documents and Settings\Default User”.) Give it any Key Name at all, so long as you remember what you named it. I’m naming mine “DefUser”. There will now be an “HKEY_USERS\DefUser” key. Expand this, and the keys under there will match those found under HKEY_CURRENT_USER (or HKCU).
d.       You can directly modify registry values in there, or if there are a lot of changes as you have set them in your current profile, you can export keys (not the whole hive) into a registry file, replace all text strings “HKEY_CURRENT_USER”  with “HKEY_USERS\DefUser”, and import it again.

e.      Select “HKEY_USERS\DefUser” in the left pane and click File, Unload Hive, to save the values to the Default Profile.

Alternatively, you can implement login scripts that make use of flag files. In the example below, H: drive is the user’s network Home Directory and G: drive is a common location.

@echo off
ifmember.exe Background
if not errorlevel 1 goto Skip
if exist h:\flags\Background.flag goto skip
regedit.exe /s g:\share\configs\Background.reg
echo Background flag file created >> h:\flags\Background.flag
echo From %computername% - %date% %time% >> h:\flags\Background.flag

The difference in logic here is that the flag does not get created if the targeting criteria is false, unlike the GPP Apply once... feature. 

Group Policy Preferences are a nice tool to have, and will save many administrators having to write login scripts or make custom Group Policy Object Administrative Templates to accomplish the same thing. The separate GUIs shown for each type of preference is very handy and saves us having to figure out registry keys, and the item-level targeting will prove to be an extremely useful tool for most of us.

There are four possible actions for a GPP to take and five additional options that can be selected, though not all are available for all types of settings. There are two options in particular that need special attention.

The Remove this item when it is no longer applied feature should be used with care because if that GPP becomes out of scope of the client, for any reason including network disconnection, the values associated with it will not revert back to how they were before, but they will be deleted completely, leaving the user receiving new settings from the Default Profile.

The Apply Once and do not reapply feature displays some behaviour that might be unexpected. If it is used in conjunction with Item-level targeting and the intended recipients do not yet fit that criteria (for example, they have not yet been added to a specified group), they will not get settings from that GPP even once. It will run, filter criteria and not apply values, but still place a “RunOnce” registry flag in the user’s profile or in the computer registry hive.

If you copy a GPP with this option, it retains the original ID and thus users who have already run the original GPP will have their registry flag set to also exclude this new copy. There are work-arounds to all of these behaviours and issues, but they important enough to remember because they could have serious ramifications if the values in question are there to configure critical settings in a business application.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Setting up a London Office

No matter how small a new office will be, whether for a new company or a branch office, someone in Information Technology (IT) should be involved in the planning process of setting up that office from the beginning. If there is no project plan beforehand, then IT should be involved from the moment the lease is signed, or sooner, in order to get that new office up and running as soon as possible.

There are many items for IT to cover, but the main reason for this early involvement is the project critical-path item, communication lines (your connection to the Internet and to e‑mail). This is especially important in the United Kingdom where it can take up to two months for a line to be put in.

There are options for smaller offices that may involve temporary residence in managed office premises and/or temporary “smaller” Internet lines. With this scenario in the past, we have been able to set up a four-person office ready for users within seven business days.

This article will discuss IT options and requirements to consider when planning to set up a new office in London. The word “we” will usually refer to those in IT that would be performing much of the work described, and not necessarily the author of the document.

Managed Office Space
Smaller companies can select from many managed office premises available with little lead time required, sometimes as little as a few days. These will usually include managed Internet communications, furniture, use of a phone system, and a shared receptionist. Some may include managed computer workstations. In this case, there would be no requirement at all to engage or hire an IT person.

If the plan is to eventually move to more permanent premises, however, then IT should be involved even at this phase of setting up. IT migrations are always significantly more difficult and expensive than building new infrastructure. Therefore it may make sense to initially set up new company-owned or leased workstations so that when it comes time to move, they are simply transported to the new office. User accounts, settings, and data do not need to be migrated to new machines.

No matter how small a business, we always recommended that a server is used to centrally store and back up data. Data should never be permanently stored on workstations. This may be managed server space at the managed premises, but again it would make sense to set up an independent one if the plan is to move later.

You don’t usually need to worry about the network in these premises, but occasionally technical requirements may conflict with the premises’ policies. For example, your network may need specific access to an Internet resource that is not allowed through the premises’ network firewalls. In this case, we can request an “open” unmanaged Internet connection from the premises and install your own firewall and manage Internet connectivity independently. This would also become another component that is easy to migrate to a new office.

Communication Lines in London
There are many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and managed Wide Area Network (WAN) carriers, but at the end of the line, there is always the final connection to the building from their network to your network. This is called the “local loop”. In London, this generally means either British Telecom (BT) or COLT Telecom Group. These are the two main companies that will either already have or lay new cabling under the street into the building. You often wouldn’t deal directly with these companies, as we would choose carriers or ISPs that also manage the local loop. In spite of that, it is beneficial to inquire which local loop will be used.

We will come right out and say that we prefer COLT for several reasons. This is an un-biased preference that is not based on an agency or any other business relationship with COLT. This is also the preference of many ISPs and communications carriers.

  1. We usually find that COLT can deliver faster than BT. Usually COLT can have the local loop set up within 30 business days, whereas BT often takes 45 or more.
  2. We feel that COLT are more flexible to deal with. In spite of having the local loop managed by ISPs or carriers, we still have to deal with it when it gets installed to the computer room. For example, if we are getting three circuits installed, all using COLT as the local loop, we can speak to COLT easily and ask that they combine work for the three circuits in terms of equipment (less communications rack space required) and site visits. BT would typically treat this as three separate jobs, install three sets of equipment, and come three times on site. We would find it extremely difficult to get to the right person to facilitate this.
  3. We have found it easier to deal with COLT for any changes required after implementation.
In spite of this, there may be reasons to use BT. COLT may not have cable laid in the neighbourhood of your new office. If you have redundant Internet or WAN circuits, we may choose also to have redundant local loops. We have also come across the situation where the landlord of the building didn’t allow COLT in with a new physical line, but would allow BT in because they already had infrastructure inside the building.

Which brings us to another item that slows this down: wayleave agreements. This is a legal document where the owner or landlord of the building, and also sometimes the occupant of the premises, gives the local loop provider permission to lay cable into the building. The provider will require this document and usually the occupier must pay the legal fees for the landlord to fill it in. The document will include drawings and detailed plans showing the exact cabling route into the building and then to your premises; it may define risks and mitigation plans; and may include a degree of risk acceptance by the carrier. This is a critical-path project item.

In central London, there is also a wireless ISP that may be sufficient as a backup link.

Smaller companies can set up an interim BT DSL phone line (or multiple lines) for Internet services while the main lines are ordered. These are the same type of lines that would be used for home Internet. As with the main lines, there are many ISPs offering DSL Internet, but they all run over a BT phone line, which is a requirement. (There is one carrier, Virgin, that has their own cables to many premises, but they do not yet offer business level support.) This can shorten the lead time for initial Internet and e‑mail connectivity to two or three weeks. Understand that performance will be slower than dedicated business-class lines. Once the permanent lines are in, there is the option to use the DSL link as a backup.

First Step: Analysing, Defining, and Planning IT Requirements
As with all projects, setting up IT for a new office will run smoother, deliver what’s required, and be completed on time and within budget if it is properly planned. For this reason, it is always cheaper in the long run to hire an IT person or engage an IT consultant early in the process. This is a large topic on its own, so we won’t dwell on it here. Suffice it to say that if the requirements are properly defined by management and the IT resource, then we know what to order and build, deliver the results correctly implemented the first time, and have happy users from Day One.

Communications Room, Cabling, and Roof Items
For very small companies with no dedicated communications room (or comms room for short) available, most components in this section may be able to be fit into a special sound-proofed and cooled server rack that almost looks like regular furniture.

Mid-sized or larger companies moving into their own unmanaged premises and having the opportunity to lay out a new floor plan will need to pay special attention to the future comms room or rooms. It or they will have special electrical, air conditioning, fire protection, environmental, and security requirements. Even small comms rooms not much larger than a closet will have most of these requirements.

If there is no internal network cabling or if new interior partitions are being built, then we will need to or want to install new internal network cable runs between the comms room(s) and all points where there will be computers or printers. Wireless Access Points (WAPs) may also need to be installed above suspended ceilings.

For these reasons, we find it hugely beneficial to be included in early meetings with the architects. We make sure that all of these items are considered in the plans early, thus saving the business countless hassles and expenses later on.

Sometimes the architect needs to get government planning permission for items going on the roof, which can include air conditioning equipment, wireless communications antennas, or a television satellite dish. Permission is more likely required when located in the City of Westminster borough of London.

Procuring and Building the IT Infrastructure
While the communication lines are being processed and the server room is getting built, we can procure the network, telephone, and computer equipment, as well as arrange for outside services such as off-site backups and e‑mail anti-SPAM filtering. Documentation can also be started.

After the server room is built, we can begin work installing the servers and networking equipment as well as begin configuring the phone system.

Once the communication lines are in place and the server room is completed, then we can complete building and configuring the computers, telephone system, and other services. This includes servers, workstations, networking, printers, photocopier/scanners, video conferencing and audio-visual equipment.

When all the technical work is complete, it should be documented completely such that there is no continued reliance on one specific person or IT firm. Let the decision to continue with an IT supplier not be forced. Procedures such as backups need to be implemented and documented. Time needs to be spent with key users placing and setting up initial corporate data and there will be the initial period where more support is needed by the end users.

Time Line
The simplified Gantt chart below shows a sample project for simple set-up for around fifteen users. Note how many tasks are dependent upon the communication lines and the comms room. If these are not handled correctly early in the project, they have the potential to delay it by months. It is best to involve IT early to help avoid these pitfalls.